Teaching Summon for First Year Students

Serials Solutions are hosting a webinar about teaching Summon for first year students at 11am today (apologies for the late notice). Information about the webinar and how to join it follow.

Library eServices

Teaching Summon for First Year Students

As libraries adopt discovery services they are finding that the impact of introducing this new technology spans far beyond the normal updating of instruction materials, websites, research guides. Web-scale discovery provides an opportunity for libraries to re-think and re-tool their research instruction to focus less on “searching” and more on helping students evaluate results and develop critical thinking skills.

In this upcoming session, Barbara Coat (Liaison and Academic Support Coordinator in the Office of Library Services at Charles Darwin University) shares how usage of the Summon service in instruction at CDU helps students learn about library resources and critical concepts behind effective search.
Register using the link below and we’ll send you the recording if you can’t make it.

Thursday, October 25 at 9:00 am (Sydney, GMT +11)
It doesn’t always take anything particularly clever or advanced to really make an impact. Often, persistence and prevalence is the key to making a lasting impression. At Charles Darwin University, they incorporate the Summon service into first year instruction, making certain that students know it’s a trusted place to go for research.

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