There is a proposal out for consultation to remove the 109,000 EEBO (Early English Books Online) records from the catalogue. Instead access will be through Multi-Search and Serials Solutions. This provides access to 124,000 records, increased metadata providing better searching and much faster access to new books added to the collection. Access to the records through Serials Solutions is free rather than having to purchase the MARC records on top of the subscription costs. EBBO is around 10% of the records in Horizon so it also affects Horizon maintenance costs. If there are no substantial response from academics the records will be removed on 1 Feb 2013.
At the same time, as it will require a complete reindex of Horizon, this is a very good time to have a tidy up including cleaning up and removed any unwanted collection codes or item statuses from Horizon before the reindex as normally this is only done once or twice a year. Thanks Anne