Damian Cairns – new Liaison Librarian

Please welcome Damian Cairns who has joined the Central Library Liaison team to cover Elizabeth Cooke’s position while she is on parental leave.

He is Liaison Librarian for English Literature and Digital Humanities and will support Patricia Jordan to liase with Music.

Damian’s regular hours of work are Monday – Tuesday and Thursday – Friday 1.00 – 5.00pm.

Central Library Help Zone cover

The Liaison Librarians will not be staffing the Central Help Zone on Level 2 of the Central library for the next 4 weeks, over the exam period and mid-semester break. However, we will be available at our desks to take referrals and will happily come down to help. The contact details for the all the liaison librarians are available from the web page. Also remember to check AskLive, as if the person you need is online, this is a quick and easy way to get in touch.

Kia ora koutou,

It has been a very busy three weeks since joining the Team at the end of May in the role of Mâori Liaison Librarian. Prior to starting here I worked in the Kaitakawaenga role in the Mâori Services Team which is part of the Programmes, Events and Learning Team at Christchurch City Libraries for the past six years . The main areas of focus in my previous role were the design and delivery of programmes and Events to the Mâori community, implementation of the organisational strategic bicultural plan, internal professional development for staff, and outreach/ building relationships and outreach services in conjunction with customers/organisations/groups in the local Mâori community. I am an active member of Te Rôpû Whakahau (Mâori working in Libraries and Information Management) and am currently one of two members from Te Waipounamu to sit on the National Executive, Ngâ Kaiwhakahau.

I whakapapa to Ngâ Puhi, but was born in Southland, attended high school and Uni in Dunedin before moving to Christchurch. My partner Allen and I are both imports rather than Cantabrians, Allen is originally from Pukekohe. We have two wonderful children, Maddox (aspiring All Black), age 9 and Gabrielle (thinks she might like to be a preschool teacher) aged 3 1/2. I am a fan of sci fci and fantasy books, a bit of a crafter and a huge fan of chocolate. Much to my horror and surprise i have recently discovered i am also a convert to the pastime of gardening after two years of successful vegetable growing.

I am really looking forward to having the opportunity to work alongside our tauira and pukenga, other academic staff and library colleagues. I am also enjoying the kaitiaki aspect of the role in regards to working with the physical Mâori collections here at Te Puna Ako. Everyone has been very warm and welcoming and i am looking forward to meeting those of you whom i haven’t had a chance to meet with yet over the course of the next few weeks.
