Newsflash: Liaison Librarians’ report recommends humour for building workplace morale and improving team productivity:
“Key Learnings on Humour: There is a clear correlation between positive humour and positive affect, both for individual contributors and team-wide. Positive humour encompasses the typology of affiliative, coping and self-effacing humour. Successful operationalisation of workplace humour leverages improved group communication, strengthened performance orientation, increased goal consensus and buy-in, enhanced perception of psychological safety and learning capability, and superior group cohesion. Collectively, the enhancement of team communication, performance orientation, consensus, learning and cohesion activates improved team productivity (Mesmer-Magnus, Glew, & Viswesvaran, 2012, especially pp. 169-170, 176; Romero & Pescosolido, 2008).”
From: Team Challenge: Academic Liaison Team culture and steps to high performance
Report written by Cuiying Mu, Elizabeth Cooke, John Arnold, Kim Allan, Margaret Paterson and Theresa Buller
Friday, 8 August 2014
So wouldn’t it be great to see more humorous contributions to Counterculture!
I say, I say, I say. My dog’s got no nose.
Then how does he smell?
Asklive question: The person next to me is sniffing every 5 seconds. Would it be alright to offer them a tissue?
What’s brown and sticky??
A stick!
(My children LOVED this joke when they were little)
An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman walk into a bar. The bartender turns to them, takes one look, and says, "What is this – some kind of joke?"
So how you answered the AskLive question Jane? Just in case we get the same question 🙂