The Library have been required to move the compact shelving from Bay 26 so that equipment from Engineering and Science labs can be stored in the higher space.
It is planned that the shelving will be moved to space in the Law Basement which is behind the current library cage. This new location is a bonus for us as it will be more convenient for staff who retrieve and shelve in our store areas.
Unfortunately there will be a time delay between packing the serials (z26j) and getting them back on to the shelves. E-services will make the items not available for at least 3 weeks. It takes time for the contractors to dismantle all of the shelving and reassemble it again.
Bay 26 (z26b) also held the low use deJong collection. This collection is being moved but is being shelved immediately on to empty shelving within the existing library cage area.
The team working on Bay 26 are working in cramped conditions and I am grateful for their perseverance.
Bay 26 and Store E will no longer exist.
We will update all information as soon as we have the files of scanned items available.
Please forward all returns for Bay 26 to the Central Library and we will manage their shelving from there.
Please contact Joan Simpson if you have any queries.