At the Datasets Group meeting in November the following e-journal backfiles were approved for purchase:
Biological reviews, 1923-1996
British Journal of Educational Psychology, 1931-1996
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 1987-1996
Criminology, 1963-1996
Disasters, 1977-1996
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 1976-1995
Fire and Materials, 1976-1995
History, 1916-1996
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 1966-1996
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Parts. A & B, 1967-1995
Journal of Phycology, 1965-1996
Nature Geoscience, 2008-2009
The Southern Journal of Philosophy, 1963-1996
The backfiles will be available in January.
Peter H