Colour photocopies

Hi all

I’ve just had a rash of enquiries with students wanting to make a colour, enlarged photocopy of their driving licence for an application to Corrections Dept for voluntary work.

Just a reminder that if they don’t have access to a colour copier one way to do this is to make a colour scan, and then copy the scan into Paint, resize it, and copy again to word, then print it to the colour printer (and change the default settings from b/w to colour).

3 thoughts on “Colour photocopies”

  1. The colour copier in Education has a note on it (from the manufacturer) giving a list of things that are legally prohibited from being copied. This includes licences. Does this apply in NZ?

  2. MMM… interesting. Seeing as it is a government department requesting the copy of the driving licence perhaps they need to know their own law. Or possibly the note on the copier is incorrect. I shall ask our trusty law liaison librarians for an opinion!

  3. Disclaimer! This does not replace "actual" legal advice. From a lawyer, for example. But, I can find no mention of this being illegal practice in New Zealand. In fact the AA website recommends copying your NZ driver licence when applying for an international licence. Sara

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