Hi all
I am leading a new project looking at reviewing the Library’s course booking system – currently used to manage booking for the Library’s training courses (run by Liaison Librarians and other library staff), and also for the staff development courses run by staff.
See K:\LIBR-Library\Projects\Library-course-booking-system-review-2015\Project outline.docx for the project outline.
What we currently use is an in-house system developed in 2003 by the talented programmer – Margaret Adam. It has served us well, however has become so complex through various additions over the years, that it is now difficult to make any big changes to it. In light of the Library’s commitment to the UC Graduate Profile, and some recent frustrations with staff development course administration, we would like to make some improvements/changes, so have decided to review the system, and either re-develop what we have or purchase Springshare’s LibCal software.
The first part of the project is to assess our needs/wants in a booking/course management system.
The project team will be compiling a requirements list and we’d love your input.
If anyone has any points they’d like to make RE what functions would be good to have, what is an absolute must, and what we definitely don’t want in a system (to cover setup and admin of courses, public interface and booking process, evaluation, and statistics/data gathering) please email me your feedback.
Kind Regards,