Changes to the Assyst portal

Hi all

Some of you may have already noticed that the Assyst Self Service Portal looks a bit different when logging a request for IT Services. This is the site you use to log an assyst job (so will affect lecturers/liaison librarians logging jobs for high demand and staff logging jobs for ITS). ITS have made some changes to the look and workflows – the main difference is as follows (from ITS):

“Once you have completed a service request form you need to add it to the cart. Once you have completed all service requests, proceed to the checkout and “Checkout” your service request items.
The cart facility may not be to everyone’s liking. However, at present this is the facility the tool offers. We are hoping to upgrade the tool in the next few months and an option to bypass the cart will be made available where only a single Service Request is necessary”

So – basically, treat your IT assyst jobs like online purchases and you should be right. Academics may not yet be aware of the change so staff involved in the high demand workflow might get a few complaints/questions.

Kind Regards,

Romy (on behalf of e-services)

One thought on “Changes to the Assyst portal”

  1. Just a clarification on this. The High Demand and E-Learning requests have not changed (they still have a save button). The change is only relevant to requests for IT Services.

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