As a result of the most recent update to Horizon, there is a fault with Horizon that enables users to renew items beyond the expiry date of their library record.
If items are renewed by staff, the due dates will be truncated to the expiry date. If items are renewed by patrons online via My Library Account, the due dates will follow our circulation parameters regardless of expiry date.
If you notice this in the course of running overdue reports and so on, please contact borrower and advise their record has now expired and they need to return the books, explaining that a fault in our system extended the due date beyond their expiry date. Please don’t truncate their due dates as they will accrue fines for items they quite reasonably thought were issued to them.
E-services has reported this fault to Sirsi-Dynix. Let me know if you have any questions, or curly issues as a result of this fault.