Kia ora Tatou,
You are invited to provide feedback and ideas around a location for the Education Library Collection when it comes to PJH in 2016. Aurelia provided a report titled, “Space Environment Ethos,” with recommendations for potential locations at PJH (K:\LIBR-Library\Projects\Education-Library-move-2016).
Take the opportunity to give your feedback – I look forward to a preferred option to feedback to the Education Relocation Project team on Friday.
Mauri Tu, Mauri Ora
We have a lot of redundant space in PJH, namely the balconies. They are divided off from the rest of floors 3 and 4 by concrete walls. This could add a significant amount of floor space to both floors.
Tim O’S
Kia ora Greg
Thank you for the invitation to give feedback on the “Space Environment Ethos” report and the collection location options.
Classroom collection, group study spaces and teaching spaces
My preferred option for the location of the classroom collection, group study spaces and teaching spaces is Level 3. The classroom collection has always been a gathering and discussion space, exactly as a collection of children’s resources would be used in a school or public library, and it would be a loss of informal learning if students couldn’t easily gather and discuss teaching resources together.
Māori collection
I would like to see this collection given prominence. If the level 3 option for the classroom and Māori collection does not go ahead, I would like to see the Māori collection on level 2 where it can give visible support to our commitment to biculturalism and provide an easy place for students to find the core resources to support learning around the Graduate Profile bicultural attribute.
Liaison space
I support the recommendation to have a staff work space or spaces co-located with the education collection. Students and academic staff have always had walk-in access to the Education Liaison Librarians and this has been extremely valuable in building relationships to enable effective service. It is widely recognised that the model of locating the liaison librarians on level 5 has had a negative impact on service; I think it is time to acknowledge this and move on from the flawed model.
Kia ora Caroline,
Thank you for your feedback.
There was a good discussion and feedback at the meeting and highlighted that there are options we can exercise to benefit education students and staff as well as considering benefits to all UC staff and students. It is regretful that you were unable to attend as the contributions and discussion were elevated and considered around the options of level 3 and level 4 location of the education collection and corollary discussion points.
A decision is required to progress the project in the UC environment. There is no one solution that will satisfy everyone. All factors contributing to the UC experience will be considered and reviewed and the decision will be communicated to Te Puna Mautauraka whanau whanui – our Library team.
I look forward to receiving all correspondence as the project leader.
Nga mihi I roto I te kaupapa – Tangata Tu, Tangata Ora,
Greg Marshall
Associate University Librarian: Learning, Teaching and Research
University of Canterbury Library|Te Puna Mātauraka o
I think Tim’s idea of using the balconies is brilliant. I think they would be attractive as study spaces, and perhaps as teaching spaces. and discussion rooms, if they can be refurbished to accommodate these functions. Currently they are just gathering pigeon droppings, which causes expense to the University in having to clean them.
We automatically lose 269 study spaces when Education closes. From my perspective, whatever decision is made needs to ensure that we lose as few study spaces at Central as possible. Hence, I do think the classroom collection as a whole should go on level 4 and eat up shelving space, not study spaces.
But Education staff, students and Education library staff also need to feel that Central is their library. So, I love the idea of having the Māori Classroom Collection on Level 2. It would mean The Creation Myth carving could go alongside it – getting the prime location both need, emphasizing their importance to mana whenua, and the importance of our relationship with mana whenua.
Perhaps this is a way to do both?