Canterbury Cards 2016

This year is the first year that Canterbury Cards will expire since we have moved to the cards having a five year life span. If you notice returning students with cards with a 2015 expiry date, please advise them to visit Security and get a new card. Although it shouldn’t technically affect their library access (as their barcode will remain the same) we want them to have a current card (and their door access will be affected).

In addition,  they are using a different type of card than that used previously and as a result it looks slightly different. The main difference we’ve just discovered is a longer barcode that affects where users need to place the card on the Self Loan Kiosk pads.

We will update the Self Loan Kiosk pad poster material (which has an unfortunate typo anyway) to avoid user problems. In the meantime, if people are having trouble logging in to the self-loan kiosks, moving the card to the left fixes the problem.

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