My Scheduler or “Book a Librarian” or ……

Kia ora koutou,

The Academic Liaison team is currently working on implementing a “Book a Librarian” service through our current LibGuides software.  The software we are using for this is called “My Scheduler” and it seamlessly integrates with our existing LibGuides to enable students and front-line library staff to book appointments with us for consultations.

Each Liaison Librarian is setting up their My Scheduler as they have the opportunity, and we are aiming to all be set up by the end of Term One.  As each Liaison Librarian sets themselves up, there will be a button available from the Subject Guides a little like this:



Please do use it to book appointments when you have students or staff who need to be referred to a Liaison Librarian.

We will be monitoring this service carefully over the first term, so please send any feedback you have about the system to me (

Many thanks,


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