Academic Complete eBooks available in Horizon now

E-Services have just finished loading bibliographic records for Academic Complete ebooks (129,088 titles) onto Horizon this morning. We encourage LLs and other library staff to promote this new resource across a range of library tutorials, programmes or other events because those eBooks offer unlimited user access (with DRM though).

5 thoughts on “Academic Complete eBooks available in Horizon now”

  1. Bibs from no. 2139340 to 2266643 by the looks of it.

    (Other than bib#, there is no way on the Library catalogue of searching specifically for Academic Complete eBooks, I believe)

    1. Hi John

      No, we can’t search specifically for Academic Complete ebooks on library catalogue, but you could view the list of Academic Complete titles on K drive if you are interested in.

      Here is the link:


  2. Telling students about “Academic Complete” ebooks (Proquest) is potentially confusing since we have “Academic Search Complete” (EBSCO) in our list of databases.

    Academic Complete = Ebrary. So would it be simpler to tell students about Ebrary? And if changes to the way this is accessed are in the pipeline for later this year, as I’ve been told, wouldn’t it better to say as little as possible about it in the meantime?

    I don’t see any point in promoting this unless there is some way to search for the content apart from by bib. nos., ie., that would make sense to students.


    1. Academic Complete is now added to the list of our Library Databases. Its publication types are “Books” while Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)’s are “Journal articles”. Hopefully users could tell their differences.


  3. Prompted by the Library News item about this yesterday, I had another go at searching Multisearch and the catalogue for ebooks from the Ebrary collection. I found some interesting titles – not already held – to feature on libguides and am promoting it that way.


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