There is a change to the process for dealing with lost books returned at CKI. A report has been developed that identifies lost and missing items that have been returned to the library, as well as their previous borrower.
This means staff no longer need to fill in ‘the Returned at CKI’ form for lost books (nb. this form is still used for claim returned and incomplete Group CKI – an adapted form is available on the K-drive: K:\LIBR-Library\Management\Procedures-Workflow\Customer Services\Forms).
The benefits of using the form are that the retraction of finance invoices is no longer dependent on staff remembering and/or having time to fill in the ‘Returned at CKI’ form and said form then finding its way to the person responsible in each library for cancelling invoices. It will also save staff time when on returns.
The wiki has been updated to reflect this change.