Nga Awa e Rua Update

Tēnā kōtou katoa.

Te Whānau Māori (Māori Library Staff Whānau), have with the last edits been incorporated yesterday into the final document, have completed this stage of work on reviewing, aligning and updating Ngā Awa e Rua. Next, we will follow with providing opportunities to comment and give feedback – which are now being made possible to do with a view to moving out to everyone in the library in the form of meetings, email and Counterculture. Following is a summary from our last meeting.

Summary of Meeting 27th September, 2016

Kaiārahi Service Units Update:

  • Ripeka met with John Arnold and Brian McElwaine to provide a general OAVCM intro and explain the role of the Kaiārahi. Alison has arranged a follow up hui for all three Kaiārahi (Ripeka, Abby and Liz Brown) to meet with all subject and specialist librarians. At this hui, Liz Brown will deliver a workshop on Biculturalism from theory to practice to give library staff some insight into the work the academic Kaiārahi are progressing with academic staff across the colleges. This hui is scheduled to take place Nov. 3, 2016
  • Alison is also in the process of arranging regular waiata sessions for library staff with Tamara Kirwan, who is now supporting OAVCM with aspects of bicultural professional development for staff.

Ripeka and Nekerangi have monthly regular hui with Anne. Last hui was yesterday, Tue 11th Oct, the next is planned for around the 8th November, 2016.

Kaitakawaenga Māori Recruitment:

Application deadline has been extended. Is now advertised via Te Rōpū whakahau. MDT will also advertise the role to Māori postgraduate student network, particularly Hoaka Pounamu students.

Ngā Awa e Rua Updates:

Review the strategy and incorporate final changes

Next Steps:

  • Nekerangi will send the strategy to Anne and the non-Māori Library staff champions for feedback.
  • Presenting the strategy to the Library Managers on 25 October, 2016.
  • After 25 October, Anne will then send out the strategy to the wider Library staff for feedback.
  • Once the feedback and final amendments have come through the strategy will be finalised and implementation will start. Alignment with mahi that has already started will also occur.

To everyone who has contributed (and there are many), or who has given comments, suggestions, feedback, advice and guidance, attended meetings and presentations, kai runga noa atu kōtou mā e rere atu rā.

Nō reira, if you have any questions, comments or feedback please do not hesitate to contact me at and/or Ripeka at

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