Library orientation theme 2017

In our meeting earlier this week, the library orientation group decided to open up the question of a theme to the wider library.
The last couple of years have been the “Get Smart” theme so it feels like a good opportunity to come up with something fresh and catchy.
So…do you have any ideas? We welcome any suggestions! I am away until Tuesday next week so will look forward to reading your ideas when I get back.
Please either comment below email me directly. Thanks


9 thoughts on “Library orientation theme 2017”

  1. To start the ball rolling, here are some ideas from other libraries. Unfortunately, two of them have the word ‘smart’ in them, which isn’t exactly new, but they are food for thought.

    Connect with your library

    Get a Headstart

    Start Smart

    Perhaps we could use the Get Started roadmap in our theme, and expand on it? (Or have we done that before?)

    ‘Succeed’ is another theme. Not sure what the logo would be though….and it has been used on a UC brochure already….

  2. Antony Brewerton, who is currently the Head of Academic Services in the library at the University of Warwick, has done some interesting library promotions/campaigns over the years in his previous role at Oxford Brookes University Library. One of the promotions, ‘Inspiration’, won a CILIP award. I like the idea of the apple, and the light bulb. Perhaps we could build on one of these themes.

    He also did things with fish:

    Another time he did a campaign that had Dracula as its logo and the catchphrase ‘Finding information needn’t be a pain in the neck’.

    Antony wrote an article about his experiences in the Marketing Group at Oxford Brookes University Library:

    1. I love penguins but have a friend who is virtually spheniscidaeaphobic.

      Maybe it’s the spring flowers around the place but I’ve been trying to think of something along the lines of turning a new leaf(page)/blossoming/ fresh starts/growth etc. I think whanake is the closest tern in te reo. Haven’t got a catchy phrase yet…

  3. Thanks for the suggestions! I will bring them up at our next Orientation group meeting. 🙂
    Feel free to keep commenting if more ideas come to mind.

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