There’s just over a week left to see the exhibition Inviting In: Exploring 30 Years of Homosexual Law Reform. I’d like to congratulate Erin and her interns Luke and Hannah for creating this excellent exhibition, particularly Erin for organising the wide ranging programme of talks that went with it. The exhibition and talks not only showcased our collections, they also created engagement and stimulated discussion- exactly what libraries are about- it was great to see this in action.
Karen Saunders’ talk on embodiment, looking at who ‘belongs’ in what spaces, made me wonder again- surely I can’t be “the only gay in the village”/lgbti person in the library- so if you’re also lgbti, it would be great to meet up for a coffee some time. Caroline S.
I had forgotten about Daffyd.
I thought the whole thing rocked- great work Erin! Only got to see one speaker but really interesting stuff!
Yes, Thanks Erin. I also got to just the one presentation (Ursula Cheer’s) but that was rather enjoyable and informative. Dave C.
Thanks Erin, there was some really good feedback about the sessions. Alison M is going to follow up with Karen to see it there is something we could do more widely about library spaces and belonging. Anne
Having displays in the libraries during the UCSA Sexuality Awareness Week in September would be an easy way to start.