Thanks for all the great ideas for naming the level 3 training room in Central Library – hence forth Poutama. Now that you are all warmed up – we need another name, this time for the new consultation space on level 2 of Central Library. There will be two bookable consultation spots in the space. Post your suggestions to the comments by the end of the week.
The Consultation Zone
maybe something like ‘Rea’ ? The Māori dictionary has this as offshoot and L2 is like an offshoot of L5.
Or along the lines of answering? We will be there to respond to customer questions. Whakaō : to answer a call. Whakautu : to respond/answer/reply.
I wonder if we should use Te Reo Māori for the name of the consultation space, so that we follow the theme we used for the Level 3 training room. The Māori Dictionary ( translates the verb to consult as akoako and gives the definition below. Is there a way of using akoako in the name of the room? I like the sound of akoako and it’s easy to say and it incorporates the meaning of learning.
1. (verb) to consult together, give or take counsel, rehearse, practise, train, teach.
Ko ngā mahi i reira he akoako mō te whawhai, arā, kia mōhio ai ina heipū he whawhai ki Niu Tīrini (TP 2/1906:1). / What they were doing there was training for battle so that they would be prepared when war might occur in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
I would like a name in te reo as well. I think akoako might not be quite right because it’s a verb not a noun.
Another possibility is arotahi which is ‘focus, concentration on’ (and can be a noun or verb). Maybe ‘wā arotahi” – the focus space
(if I’m using this word correctly…)
We could call it The Cave. I think this might be Te Ana, but I’m not sure. It’s because it’s grey and enclosed like a cave, but it has a small entrance.