As foreshadowed in December, we now have access to 538 Taylor & Francis DRM free eBooks through T&F’s evidence-based selection model. Selected content is based on “just in time”, high use and recent publications. They include titles withdrawn from Academic Complete that have had high use (40+ uses), DDA titles with a minimum of 2 short term loans, and T&F titles published from 2015.
Evidence-based Selection allows us try before we buy and includes a year of access to our selected content for a minimal up-front fee. At year’s end we could purchase those titles with high usage up to the amount we pre-paid.
Related to this change, we have also reduced our patron-driven (PDA or DDA) profile to focus on currently published material (2016->) leaving Academic Complete to provide access to material published in 2015 or earlier.
Here is the link to the title list.