Kia ora koutou,
I have been the Library staff representative on the Library Committee since 2013 and it is time for me to step aside. We are therefore looking for a keen person to take my place.
The Library Committee is an Academic Board committee that meets monthly and reports back to Academic Board. It is chaired by Mike Grimshaw, and has representation from all the Colleges. The role of the Library staff representative is to provide a staff-focused voice and to report back to the library staff on the business of the Committee. In practice it is a very interesting and stimulating committee to be involved with, and it provides a very useful barometer for us to gauge academic opinion on library issues.
The workload involves reading papers once a month to prepare for the meeting, and time to write up a Counterculture post to keep staff informed.
Would you like to be the staff rep? Or do you know the perfect person to fill this role? If so, could you please nominate yourself, or another (with permission). If we have more than one nomination, we will run a ballot.
Please let me know your nominations by 5pm on Friday 31 March.
I am happy to chat about the role and to answer any questions you might have.
Ngā mihi,