In July 2016, at our culture brainstorming sessions we came up with 184 ideas to improve Upward Communication and Employee Involvement (see this post for details).
We started working on these and we’ve achieved a lot. Selected highlights listed below
- Communication training… you can attend this year if you missed out in 2016
- Manager’s morning tea with staff… Anne had morning tea with each team and will be doing the same this year
- More social meetings… changes to long-serving staff and staff forum events
- Monitor wireless comings and goings
- Agreement to host a FedEx day
- Innovation Forum for new ideas… UC Library Ideas Generator set up in Aug 2016
Lots of ideas remain and, unlike the man with the bear-spray, we have time to decide “what next?”. Managers have been reviewing the ideas from the Ideas Generator and the original list but we need your help to decide what to focus on.
From the Ideas Generator, I love the staff volunteering aspect. It would be great if UC staff can demonstrate community-mindedness, to complement the student having organized a “volunteer army”! 🙂 Students could be welcomed to participate alongside staff (and contribute to their co-curricular record). There are heaps of planting days around Christchurch. Our child’s primary school has a sponsored child that the whole school supports (at $50 a month total). Just a couple of ideas…
Thanks Sue – great suggestions.