Nobody wants DPI (Discomfort, Pain or Injury) while at work.
We all have a story to tell…
the pain in our wrist…
the numbness is your finger…
the things you can’t do at work because it aggravates an old injury...
The DPI Awareness team are running their annual DPI refresher sessions for Library Staff on the following dates:
Tue 6 June 11am
Wed 7 June 11am
Tues 13 June 2pm
Thurs 15 June 2pm
All will be held in Poutama (Level 3, Central Library, Puaka – James Hight). Come along and hear how you can prevent DPI while at work.
Staff must attend a refresher every two years so please attend if you are due for a refresher. You can find out if you are due for a refresher – there’s a register here: K:\LIBR-Library\Health-Safety\Staff_induction _training_and_duties\LIBRARY_TRAINING_REGISTER
Register for sessions here:
From your friendly DPI Awareness team 🙂