We welcome nominations for someone from within the Customer Services team for the Diny van Bussel Memorial Award. The person should have a positive and cheerful outlook despite difficult circumstances or challenges and be a valued team member. The intention is to make this an annual award, where the recipient will be announced at the final customer services quarterly meeting of the year and presented with the award at the Christmas function. Nominations should include some brief text outlining why you have chosen to put a person forward and can be emailed to either myself or Jenny Owens. Thank you.
Background on Diny.
Diny van Bussel was a valued member of the University Library for 15 years. She worked in various part time roles. She was a shelver in Education Library and Central Library, was a member of the RFID tagging team Dec 2011-Feb 2012 and then worked 4 years as a library assistant in EPS Library. She died in November 2015 after a long, brave, determined battle against her illness.
Diny was a much loved colleague and fondly remembered. She was proud of her Dutch heritage and always such a positive, friendly, caring person with a vibrant bubbly personality. She had a zest for life and showed great courage and a positive attitude when faced with adversity.