Health and Safety events are: Injury, Illness, Discomfort and Pain, Near Miss, Incident, and Serious Harm.
It is a good time of year to remind ourselves of the need to document and notify health and safety events and near misses. We should use the UC online system to do this. The Risk Management Safety System (RMSS) is used to report any event which involves an Employee, Student, Visitor, Contractor, Volunteer, or a Person on Work Experience. No event is insignificant. All events should be reported immediately or as soon as possible.
If a Notifiable Event occurs, as well as informing relevant Library managers and health and safety team members, we also contact the UC Health & Safety Manager on 027-742-8689 – this is because we need to notify WorkSafe if a serious injury, illness or incident happens to a person or people carrying out work, or as a result of work that our organisation is responsible for.