Kia ora koutou
Tomorrow (Tuesday 1st May) we are launching a Dovedale holds pick up service operating out of Ōrakipaoa 114 Assignment Room. Information about the service has been added to the LibExpress web page (now rebranded as Dovedale services). External (xa and xs btype) borrowers will not have Dovedale as a pick up option. High demand items will not show Dovedale as a pick up option. Interloans will also not be not be sent to Dovedale.
As part of the set up for this we have recycled the old PSL storage location in Horizon and turned it into Dovedale. The location code is ‘s’ . You may see requests with pick up location s starting to appear on your pull lists or going in transit to Dovedale (s) at check in.
If you are using a Sort Assist – s location has a sea green colour (see screenshot below). This colour is quite similar to the normal CKI successful colour so please be alert for wee truck with the H on it.
These items will be collected at Central and then transported to Dovedale on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. At Central any transit holds for s location should be placed in the specially labeled hamper. At EPS, MB and storage locations please place the items in your “urgent” pile to be taken across to central library CKI.
Holds will be transported to the assignment room by a library distribution assistant (who will also manage the expired/cancelled holds). They will be issued to the borrowers by a college technician (Bronwyn Beukes) using the D1 self loan formerly at EPS. Bronwyn does not have access to Horizon etc. so has been instructed to refer anyone whose holds will not issue to library staff. Any borrowers with fines/lost blocks will need to clear/resolve these before they can pick up their holds at Dovedale.
Hold expiry dates proved difficult to get right within the confines of our Horizon set up. We have ended up with the following:
- If an item goes on hold on a Tuesday it will be held for 6 Dovedale open days – until 3pm Thursday the following week (expiring the next week on Monday).
- If an item goes on hold on a Wednesday it will be held for 5 Dovedale open days – until 3pmThursday the following week (expiring the next week on Tuesday).
- If an item goes on hold on a Thursday it will be held for 5 Dovedale open days – until 3pm Tuesday fortnight (expiring on Wednesday fortnight).
Items checked out from Dovedale will look as though they were checked out at e location (that’s because the self-loan station is one we have borrowed from eps and we have not changed its settings).
Ngā mihi,
Romy (on behalf of e-services)