Thanks to the 11 staff have started receiving the Windows 10 upgrade. These staff will be feeding back to the project team so that the larger rollout runs as smoothly as it can.
Central Library level 2: Caroline Anderson & Rebecca Fisher EPS Library: Nicola Smith & Nick Scullin Macmillan Brown Library: Caroline Syddall
Central Library level 5: Nicole Moffat; Bronwyn Collins; Fiona Wilson; Wendy Dowsett; Kiera Tauro; Helen Thomas.
These staff may be able to share their learning with you when your own machine is upgraded.
ITS will be given an order in which to upgrade computers. We will be working together with teams to decide on the order – primarily to ensure there is no disruption to service or you workload.
Over 40 machines are to be replaced before the upgrade starts – so over the coming weeks you are likely to see more IT staff in our work spaces.
Please ensure that you have read the message from Robert Kadluboski which was on Counterculture on 3 May . Robert has given instructions for you and provided links to very useful resources. Please read these so that you are informed and ready for the changes which are going to happen to your PC. If you have any queries please contact Peter Kennedy or me.