In the spirit of whakahoahoa, UC Library Managers hosted our colleagues from Christchurch City Libraries’ Leadership Team last week for a shared session to look at our overall strategies and common issues facing our institutions.
We also wanted to get to know each other a bit better individually so we started with a ‘speed dating’ session. Trying to keep people to their allocated 5 minutes of chatting of was a bit like herding cats so I think that must be a good sign!
We then did some group work, dividing into tables to discuss areas of common interest such as organisational culture, bicultural competency, diversity and advocacy. It turns out we have a few differences and quite alot in common. While CCL have been heavily focused on their new Turanga: Central Library, they have also been working on some other significant areas. A bicultural service philosophy is being rolled by their Māori Services Team, and their organisational culture work is focusing on how they can be ‘One Library’ in a large and diverse network.
I think it was a really valuable session that will spark further opportunties for building relationships, mutual support, collaboration and ideas sharing in future. We are looking forward to being hosted in turn at Turanga in November.