Preparing for upcoming events
The Marketing Group is preparing for upcoming events including Te Wiki o te reo, Get Started workshops and September GradFest.
Submissions to the Marketing Group
We are welcoming submissions from the library community on any library events or activities that we can promote on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, UC Insider’s Guide, Library Website, and in print.
You can send submissions to . To help us promote events and activities we have created a checklist for people to use when making a request, see below.
K:\LIBR-Library\Operations\Marketing\Planning & Procedures\MarketingRequest-Checklist-2018.docx
If anyone has interesting or beautiful photos of the libraries or campus we would love to post them on our library Instagram. We also have “stories” on Instagram that only last 24 hours and are more informal than an Instagram post. If you see anything cool or interesting happening take a photo and send it to the Marketing Group email.
Here are some past Instagram posts/photos to give you an idea of what we post.
Marketing and Social Media Training
Lastly, the Marketing Group is running a staff development session on the 12th of July. Sign up and come along if you are interested in finding out about how the library is promoted and want to learn how to create and post content to different social media platforms.
To sign up go to:
Ngā mihi nui,
Hey all, just want to let you know GradFest is in November not September:)
oops! Thank you Fiona 🙂