Join us for the last Salon session in this series and be sure to invite staff from other areas of the University to come participate.
What: Will the University Exist in 10 Years?
Surely after hundreds of years, we can do better than saying a degree ‘helps you think’ or other generic crap. Isn’t it time we used our collective wit and wisdom to spell out what undergraduate tertiary education does, and how it does it, without resorting to the managerial vocabulary and Eduspeak of ‘learning outcomes’, ’transferable skills’, and ‘communication skills’. Surely our grads can ‘frame a social or scientific problem from a variety of different approaches’ that we can talk to the students about in plain English.
And if we can write our goals in plain English, doesn’t that mean we need to rethink how we teach? Who needs lectures? Do our formats for lectures and tutorials need to be as structured and regimented for undergraduates? If we have more structured goals, our practice could be much more flexible and suited to the needs of students, since it will be clear what they have learnt.
Who: Our Provocateur is Dr Lindsay MacDonald
Where: Puaka James Hight Rm 210
When: Wednesday 18th 12-1pm
Ngā mihi,
Rā Steer (on behalf of the Salon Project Group)