Progress since last update 27th September
- Four CONZUL libraries are part of the Tipasa migration project (Waikato, AUT, Otago and UC)
- The OCLC kick-off implementation meeting happened last week
- Separate meetings for authentication are being arranged with ITS
- Information & Records Management are part of the conversation looking at the management of patron information and data
- Interloans staff training sessions have been booked along with configuration sessions and will be happening October-November
Why are we migrating?
- VDX has reached its end of life and will no longer be supported
- Additional features and functionality will be added over time
- All NZ libraries will be moving to WorldShare ILL
What you need to know
- Library News item
- All current users of VDX (current Interloans system) have been notified of our plans to move to Tipasa in December
- We hope to provide library staff with a preview of Tipasa approximately late November
- We will provide further publicity of the changes to students and staff as the project progresses
- Go live is currently scheduled for 4th December
- There will be no migration of request data – current NZ requests will be aged/completed in VDX
- There is the opportunity to look at our workflows as part of this migration project including Interloans and Distance services
What you need to do
- Stay tuned for updates
- Participate in any conversations about workflows and any opportunities we consider to improve processes, etc
- Stay tuned for preview information of Tipasa – likely late Nov
- Comments, questions and feedback is most welcome: