Some of you may have heard rumours of a new campus app. This uses a commercial platform from Ex Libris called CampusM. While there has not yet been any publicity, there is a possibility it could be released next week.
There will be a library link – but this will just mimic what is available on the web site. While ITS have put a lot of work into trying to make it work directly for library functions such as renewals, requests, etc. that work has, at yet, been unsuccessful so for the library side of things our students will not be seeing anything new. This may change in a future, phase 2, release.
Once it is released any support calls should be directed to ITS.
At the moment the app is likely to provide links to the following services:
- Timetable
- Maps
- Support
- Library
- Notices
- Emergency
- RecCentre time table
- Security
Peter K