We are delighted to share that Juliet Lackersteen has been seconded into the fixed term position of Assistant Librarian (Engagement focus). Juliet brings current experience leading teams and projects within the engagement portfolio, and this opportunity seeks to build on that work and provide dedicated support for the range of engagement responsibilities managed by Rā.
Building the capacity within the customer services team is a priority. We do this by supporting staff to make use of internal opportunities in their current role, and when vacancies arise, recognising skill acquisition when they demonstrate the applied learning in expressions of interest or applications.
Juliet officially starts in this role on Tuesday 30 April 2019 (working Tuesday to Saturday). Backfill for Juliet’s library assistant role will be part of the recruitment process that is currently underway for backfilling Caroline and Lisa.
Mā te mahi, ka tutuki. Working together, we achieve. Ka mau te wehi!