A recent thesis submission for History includes some fulsome praise for our LAC staff:
“Thank you to the Interloans staff at Puaka-James Hight Library. This thesis would not have been possible without the hard work of Sue Thompson, who sourced hard copies of Soviet Woman and Soviet Union from America and despite the cost had them shipped, twice.”
“Why Shouldn’t a Comrade be Chic?”:constructions of the Soviet woman’s Image in international Soviet propaganda and its reception in the United Kingdom and Ireland, 1945-1970.
Some quiz fodder related to this thesis work, and 50 years since the moon landing: Who is Valentina Tereshkova?
ngā mihi
Dave Clemens
This seems like a good post to also share feedback from a Phd student on Twitter in response to interloans service. (It seems like I can’t just add a picture to the comments:( so feedback was as follows:
“love you @uoclibrary”
The customer screenshotted an email from the Interlaons team advising the decision had been made to purchase their interloan titles for the collections rather than interloan it.
First woman in space.
Caroline A.