Useful to know when dealing with desk/Asklive queries about how long an interloan might take :
We can’t legally interloan entire e-books, which can disappoint patrons expecting urgent delivery. We can weigh up purchasing access to ebooks instead of interloaning, or patrons can request individual chapters, if they don’t want to wait for a loan to be posted.
Loans of entire books can take between 1-6 weeks – which can be frustrating, but is the time it sometimes takes depending on where in the world it’s coming from.
Even chapters or articles can take a while, if supplied from a publisher that only allow interloans to be sent by print/post, rather than electronic delivery. Which is why we often purchase articles where we can direct from the publisher – it’s much better to deliver a PDF straight to the patron.
Always happy to take calls on 93399 or Asklive queries transferred to the Interloans queue, if you need an update on behalf of a patron.