Kia ora koutou
IT are making a change to staff IT accounts today that may result in an 113 error for staff logging in to Lexis Advance.
Lexis Nexis are processing the change on their end but haven’t completed this for everyone just yet. IT are currently still processing the account changes too.
If you do get reports from someone who is having trouble logging in please send details to eServices so we can check with Lexis Nexis/IT.
On a positive note we just discovered that IT have also changed the UC ADFS login form (used for Lexis Advance, Tipasa Interloans account, Zoom and other things) so that it now accepts just username and no longer requires the format that caused us so many headaches. It will accept both formats so no hurry to get all our documentation updated.
Ngā mihi
Romy (on behalf of eServices)