***UPDATE – as of today 3/3 – the library links are still not working – Ex Libris are saying it’ll likely be Wednesday before they were up and running (assuming Wednesday US/Europe time not NZ time) so hopefully we’ll start seeing University of Canterbury Library in the links list again tonight/tomorrow***
Kia ora koutou
There is currently an issue with Ex Libris/ProQuest 360 link customers (that includes us) and Google Scholar library links. University of Canterbury Library has disappeared from the library links look-up so people are currently unable to select it as their library and there is no way to get the “full text @ UC Library” links to display alongside search results without this.
The issue has been fixed on the Ex Libris end but Google Scholar only crawls sites (to refresh their index of our holdings and our institutional information) weekly. Our next crawl will likely be Monday next week (1 March) and links should be there again by Tuesday 2 March.
Ngā mihi,
Romy (on behalf of Library Digital Services team)