Kia ora koutou
During Alert Level 3 we are offering postal delivery of requested items we are able to retrieve to UC staff and students. There won’t be any retrieval from storage locations. We will only be able to process items that are “in library” in locations we can access, (including items on hold shelves from prior to L4 lockdown). Requests on items out to other borrowers will be pending until items are able to be returned again.
Pre-existing requests up to 1 September:
Emails have been sent to all requestors this morning to ask if they would like items posted to them as they become available. Replies will come to the library email account and will be processed by ELS staff. In order to post items we have to receive a postal address from the borrower (these will be added to Horizon borrower accounts as Address Correction Blocks by ELS staff). If borrowers don’t want items posted their requests will remain in the system until campus pick up is available again.
Requests from 1 September
Currently all UC borrowers are able to place requests for 1day, 3 day, borrowable items and journals with pick up location restricted to s (COVID Postal Service). Automated emails will be sent to new requestors twice daily asking for confirmation of postal address. Pull list items will be retrieved by AL3 staff but will not be posted to borrowers until we have confirmation of their postal address (as above for pre-existing requests). The emails ask borrowers to keep an eye on their library accounts to track progress of their requests (when items show as out on their account they have been put in the post).
Non-UC borrowers including external subscribers and ULANZ are currently unable to place requests – requesting for them will be reinstated when they are able to come on campus again (alert level 1).
If you have any questions or suggestions on improving messaging on library catalogue, website etc. please contact Library Digital Services.
Ngā mihi,
Romy (on behalf of Library Digital Services)