Kia ora
It seems like another day another change. The latest TEC guidelines came out last night and changed the advice for libraries again. One meter distancing is back and face covering is highly recommended. It is still expected that staff and students wear face coverings.
There are now two different guidelines for Libraries, one for libraries who limit access to students and staff, and a stricter version for those who allow the public access as well. To keep it simple next week all Libraries will be limited to staff and students. PJH Library and EPS will remain closed to the public at Level 2. We will review Macmillan Brown access next week once we know the use.
I am hoping that UC will put out general guidance for wearing face coverings that will apply across campus. In the meantime best practice is to wear a face covering inside. I understand that wearing face coverings for a long period can be uncomfortable for many. As a general rule if you leave your desk wear a mask. Take breaks outside where you do not need to wear a mask if you are appropriately separated from others. Please provide your own face coverings. If you have forgotten your mask, or it gets wet, we have a small supply of disposable masks. Be kind, wear a mask for others and accept that not everyone can.
We will have staff working on campus and others working at home as we transition back. If your role is front-facing, is working with physical collections or is needed to keep the libraries open safely you will likely be returning to the campus on Monday or soon after. Conversely, if you can safely work fully from home and are not needed on campus we would prefer you to do that. Limiting the number of staff on campus next week will create a safer environment for everyone. Talk to your manager as there is some flexibility to take into account personal circumstances if you would prefer to be on or off campus. As the COVID situation continues to improve we will progressively expect more staff back. We are currently planning on providing full services from Monday 20 September as we support our students through the final weeks of term to exams.
Please let your manager know if you or your whānau are at risk, or if you were previously identified as at risk and your circumstances have changed. We will work with you on a specific return to work plan. You are able to come to work on campus if you wish.
Wear layers at work. To improve ventilation rates the air recirculation has been turned off, so the air coming in will be 100% fresh. This will make the heating more variable.
Remember to use the COVID tracer app for each building you visit.
There will be a staff zui on Thursday at 10.30. I will go over the latest news and Sara will go over the Health and Safety Plan in more detail. There will be plenty of time for questions. We are also creating an FAQ for staff on the wiki to help with the transition.
Take care and look after one another.
Ngā mihi nui