Reflections on 2021 – and planning for 2022

Thank you to all who contributed to the operational planning exercise in the staff forums last week.

If you didn’t attend (or you did come and have had further thoughts), here is a copy of the exercise we did.

We reflected on some of our 2021 operational plan goals (and others) and used the sailboat analogy to discuss:

  • What moved us closer to our goals, what’s propelling us forward (Strengths)
  • What successes have we had, what made us happy (Successes)
  • What risks do we foresee, what do we need to look out for (Obstacles)
  • What things held us back, slowed us down or stopped progress (Anchors)

If you do have any ideas on strengths, successes, obstacles and anchors but didn’t get a chance to share those on the day. you can still email your thoughts to Gabrielle who is kindly collating the feedback for us.

By the way – it was mentioned on the day ‘anchors’ can be considered as things that ground us, keep things stable etc, so I’m quite happy for different interpretations of those terms in your reflections.

Library managers will begin operational planning for 2022 this week starting with some environment scanning.  There’ll be opportunities for everyone to participate in our 2022 planning in due course.

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