Appointment to Pou Tuarua, Associate University Librarian

Kia ora koutou

I am very pleased to announce that Aurelia Arona has accepted the position of Pou Tuarua, Associate University Librarian.    Aurelia is well known to many of you, both from UC and from CCC.  She is currently Kaiwhakahaere Ratonga Māori at Christchurch City Libraries, leading a growing and highly successful team responsible for Māori and Cultural Services.   She worked for UC Puna before from 2013-2016 as Kaitakawaenga Ako based in the old Education Library and was for a for a time acting as Deputy to Alison McIntyre in the Academic Services (now LTR) team.

She will start on 14 February.  We will arrange an appropriate welcome closer to the time.

Helen and I are really looking forward to Aurelia joining us.   She brings with her significant knowledge and leadership skills, and is passionate about making a difference for staff and students.  Her new role will have a significant bicultural component and will  manage learning and engagement.

Please join with me in warmly welcoming Aurelia to this new role.

Ngā mihi nui, Anne


2 thoughts on “Appointment to Pou Tuarua, Associate University Librarian”

  1. It’s great to have more Māori leadership at a senior level and I am sure this news will be a boost in particular for other bicultural developments across UC and the library so students have better successful outcomes.

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