COVID case

Kia ora koutou,


Today we have been advised of a positive Covid test result from one of our staff, who has been self-isolating since Monday when this person became a household contact.   They worked at Macmillan Brown on Monday, and last worked at PJH on Wednesday 23 February.


While at work they were following our Health and Safety precautions such as mask wearing.


Please note that we have decided not to release names at this time to the wider library as this is medical information.   Managers will talk to staff who were potential close contacts.

Due to the changes in government response, the University is no longer contact tracing or recording close or casual contacts, however as per the Ministry of Health advice, please continue to self-monitor for symptoms and if you feel at all unwell, please self-isolate and get a test. 


We wish a safe and successful recovery to our colleague, and we will be working to ensure they receive good support. 


I would also like to acknowledge that this news could cause us to experience a range of responses and that this is ok. Looking after our health and wellbeing as best we can is really important at this time. If you need support please speak with your manager,  Aurelia, Helen, or me  if you wish to talk through any concerns or feel you may need some support at this time.


Take care and look after each other.

Ngā mihi nui



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