Kia ora koutou
We have noticed that OVID article links in Multisearch e.g. OVID permalink works without OpenAthens (if you are on campus IP range) but not with the OpenAthens prefix Multisearch uses e.g.
Users are seeing a Forbidden error page from OpenAthens.
We think this is because we are having problems with our WoltersKluwer login via OpenAthens and OVID redirects to that as part of its article resolving process and have logged a ticket with OpenAthens support to look into the issue. In the meantime, the DOI links in the preview section of Multisearch search result display seem to work ok (for at least some of the articles) as they point directly to the journal site rather than OVID’s resolver. If you get any report from users you can direct them to those links instead.
Ngā mihi,
Romy (on behalf of Library Digital Services)