Kia ora koutou
RE my post about OCLC/Interloans accounts on Monday:
OCLC have de-duped 5974 interloan user accounts overnight. Now users should get their original account whether they sign in via OpenAthens (top button) or ADFS (bottom button).
However, we discovered this morning that any requests people made via the OpenAthens sign-in (most requests placed after 26th May) were not showing in their ILL account requests list.
We’ve requested OCLC fix up the request data but it may take a while to resolve as has to go to a different team at OCLC tech support than the ones that set up OpenAthens for us. The Interloans team have been able to re-link active requests to users again, but we are unable to re-link requests that are closed (have been supplied already or cancelled/refused) so historical requests won’t be showing for patrons until OCLC do their fix. If anyone wants their missing request history data Interloans staff can look it up in OCLC admin.
We think that document delivery emails sent by the system (with links to retrieve article pdfs etc.) did get to the affected users but are not 100% sure they all did so if you get any queries about missing article/chapter requests let us (or Interloans) know and we will investigate.
Ngā mihi,
Romy (on behalf or Library Systems)