Kia Ora Koutou,
Thanks to all those who joined in the consultation process for the Engagement Survey over August. These sessions were really valuable to make sure a wide spread of your mahi is represented in our survey, and also helped the survey team to sharpen up the questions and increase the value of the information we hope to collect.
I have made a staff version of the final survey. It would be helpful if everybody could have a look at this one – especially if you might happen to receive a question on the survey in your day to day.
We are particularly Interested in your feedback around the time it took you to complete the survey, and any other user experience questions or improvements you might encounter. Enter any feedback in the text rich questions at the end of the survey (where it prompts you to say if there are things the library is doing well, or if there are things you would like to see improve).
The Survey can be found by clicking here
Feel free to enter it multiple times! Find all the branches, pretend to be a postgrad, or undergrad – study in the facultiy of arts, or engineering!
Ngā Mihi,
Dale, Isabella, Margaret, Sarah, and Juliet.
do Q5 and Q11 need an option for ” I don’t use the library” or something similar? Just thinking of distance students who never come on campus and purchase their textbooks.
When I use Edge browser, Q7 does not allow multiple choices. It only lets me choose one answer and cannot unselect. It works fine with other browsers.