Poo of the Pigeons – update

Kia ora koutou,

It is with a happy heart that after 6 months of BEIMs requests I can give you all an update on the solution to the pigeon mess outside the northwest undercroft doors.

Paul from FM rang today to say that they are going to install spikes and bird deterrent gel on each level over the doorway.  This work will be done by Golman and will take place between now and the holiday break.

Hopefully this will work and the pigeons won’t surprise us with a new roosting spot.

ngā mihi,


One thought on “Poo of the Pigeons – update”

  1. Hurrah!
    Thank you very much for persevering with this, Sara. It would be great if something could be done to stop the pigeons from breeding. I read that contraception for pigeons exists, but I also read that it may not be licensed for use in New Zealand yet. I hope the gel won’t harm the pigeons. I read about one type of gel that is considered harmful to them as their feathers get stuck in it and they can’t fly and die a horrible death.

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