Ngā mihi o te ata koutou ko te whānau
Kia tau te rangimārie i runga i a tātou i te mutunga wiki nei!
You might have noticed that posters and promotional material for participant recruitment for the UC NZLPP Research Project were placed out around campus and across some of the UC social media platforms on the Thursday before Easter break.
We are excited with anticipation that we will start our Wānanga Focus Groups with ākonga Māori in the near future. With gratitude to Library Staff who agreed to participate in the practice session facilitated last week. Your presence made it possible to upskill in advance ahead of the real thing. Āku whakawhētai atu ki a koutou mā!
Any questions, wonderings or thoughts – hit me up!
Kia tika, kia pono, kia aroha!
Ngā mihi nui
Nā Jess