Library Car Parks

Kia Ora Koutou,

As you may know, the library has access to four marked, car parks near the Angus Tait building. These are for the use of team members who have an afternoon start and then work through to 9:00 or 11:00 p.m. at night. The close location of the carparks to PJH ensures a shorter and safer walk to the car once we close for the evening. Recently late team members coming on duty in the afternoon have found the car parks are occupied. It is clear that they are not always being used by other late team members.

I suspect that we may be dealing with opportunistic (or desperate) students, rather than other University or Library staff. However, in case – like me – you were unclear about the purpose of the carparks, can I request that you refrain from using them unless you are helping the team out and working a late shift with us. While they are not actively patrolled by Security, they will clamp vehicles that are using the space inappropriately if we notify them.

Ngā mihi,


6 thoughts on “Library Car Parks”

  1. The specific parking criteria of these parks has always been a bit hazy. For example, what time constitutes “afternoon start”. I’ve heard ‘from about 4.00pm. The beleif is security will not clamp after this time (and will before this time??). Also, do you still need a parking permit up to that magic 4.00pm time?

    1. Hugh, yes you do need a coupon and you can use a coupon in the park as I have been doing. The magic unspoken time is 4:30pm according to a security guard I was talking to but other guards may differ. Afternoon start is the 1pm start as was the criteria when these carparks were made available for staff early (in the 2000s I think) as parking was free back then of course and now we have extra students even harder to find a park.

      1. I notice all the disabled carparks near PJH are being used – not sure if Security are clamping there though. Never seen this before. Last few weeks.

  2. Talking with Security, I understand that these are spots reserved to us all the time. I also understood that you needed a permit up to 5:00 p.m. (though it may be the case that you are unlikely to be troubled much by 4:00 p.m.). Typically, there isn’t much drama in the late afternoon but anyone coming in at 12 or 1 is sometimes having problems.

  3. So to clarify, if you arrive at 1.00pm for your 1.15 – 9.15 shift, you basically need to pay for those library designated car-parks, by whatever means, until roughly 4.30. So you pay for 3.5 hours for example, otherwise run the risk of clamping.

  4. Yep – just double-checked with Security and that is the case. Officially, any carparking (even in our “special spots”) before 5:00 p.m., Mon-Fri, requires a permit or a coupon.

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