Kia ora koutou
After much to-ing and fro-ing, I am pleased? Sad? to report that the old server has been turned off. This was done late last week because [mumble cybersecurity mumble conniptions mumble can’t take this any more just make them go away mumble].
A redirect for any remaining links should be in place soon, but we have worked hard over the last couple of months to find all the ipac links lurking in LEARN, Subject Guides, and the UC website, so hopefully there won’t be many still out there. A notice that it was going to be shut down was placed on LEARN at the beginning of semester 2.
If you do come across any remaining lnks, please let eservices know – we can help to dissect the URL and recreate it in VuFind.
If you have any other questions, please let eservices know.
Ngā mihi,
(on behalf of eservices)