This weekend is the Alumni and Community Reunion Weekend, and the Macmillan Brown Library team has been working hard to prepare and/or support multiple events taking place on Saturday. This has included planning for the movement and display of collections around different events, digitisation of CANTA and display on the UC in Print site and planning for tours.
The events we’re supporting are:
- CANTA Exhibition (Room 101, Undercroft, 10-4): This exhibition led by Damian will share our CANTA collection, including physical copies that alumni can browse, interactive Ipad displays that enable people to browse CANTA issues from their time at uni, a slideshow and more.
- Rutherford Medals: Lydia is working with John Campbell from School of Physical and Chemical Sciences who is delivering a talk on Rutherford. His Nobel Prize medal will be on display for a short time following the talk.
- Golden Graduate Morning Tea (Haere-roa, 9:30-11:30am): Various items will be on display during a talk by Chris Jones, including the Lubeck Bible, the Canterbury Roll, the Magna Carta, and the Wicked Bible.
- Art tours of the Central Library (1:30-2:15pm) and Staff Club (2:45pm-3:30): Lydia is offering these tours in the afternoon.
Damian, Lydia, Swee Hoon and I will be working tomorrow to support these events, so if you’re working you’ll see us out and about. We’re looking forward to sharing these collections with alumni and the community tomorrow😊